Thursday, April 19, 2007

VT Cru Update

I'm posting a link to Campus Crusade's Update page for those of you interested in what is going on with our Cru movement Va Tech.

Virginia Tech's Cru movement was hit very hard by this tragedy. Four of their students were killed. The freshman girl who lived next door to the first two victims is involved. She was the first person to see any of the victims on that sad day. Another student was in a classroom where everyone was killed or injured except for him. Their ministry is mourning in a way that I cannot understand.

In addition to an abbreviated normal meeting, we will have a special time of prayer tonight. We will be joining with literally thousands from around the globe by praying. Invite your Christian friends to come to Taylor Ed tonight at 7:30. There is a facebook group that Crusade has started called "Call to Prayer Thursday!" I encourage you to join it and leave a note. This will be send to the Va Tech CRU as a sign of encouragement from their Christian brothers and sisters from around the globe.

I will try to post some links to local news stories related to Va Tech and our Prayer Vigil soon.

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